
Expressions of Soul


If I could paint, I'd swirl my brush in the ocean and dip it in the sky to paint your eyes.

If I could draw, I'd sketch your hands that so gently shake the butterfly net inside my heart.

If I could dance, I'd twirl hopscotch-steps across our entwined story-lines.

If I could photograph, I'd snap a picture of your soul and frame it with a thousand verses.

If I could fly, I'd spiral to our King for an embrace of thankfulness...for you.



Many of us keep our days to ourselves.
They're not interesting. They're too crazy. They're depressing. They're too short.
But they're part of your life. I've creamed over a few thousand "How are you?"s with a bland, "Good" or "Fine" answer. Sometimes I think, They don't want to know about my day, what's the harm in keeping it to myself?
The other day I realized that sharing can glorify God, no matter what you've done with your day. Daylen and I sat the evening away together and shared our days. After I told about my sleepy morning of studying, my exam, my day of clinic, and my evening of painting, he shared with me how so much of what I'd done today had been answers to his prayers.
A bit startled that he took so much time to pray for me, I thought through what he'd said. Seemingly little events throughout my day--retention of information, calm before a test, recalling hard questions--were all answered prayers that I would have missed if I hadn't shared my day with him and if he hadn't shared his prayers with me.

Why do we usually prefer to be so reclusive? What is it that draws us to silence or fake sharing? Where is our realness hiding? In fear? Under the rug in shame?

I let mine out the other day. It loved the fresh air. I think I'll take it on another walk...soon.